

 Personal Ministries

The mission of Personal Ministries is to provide resources and train church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The aim of the department is to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God.

- Door-to-door evangelism

- Distribution of literature

- Giving personal Bible studies

- Lay preaching

- Organizing and running the Community Service program of the church, including the Dorcas Society

- Organzing and runningtheannual Ingathering program

- Managing local church Bible Correspondence Schools

- Cooperating with the Sabbath School Department in organizing and running Sabbath School Action Units.

- Cooperating with the local church pastor in the organization and management of small group ministries


Health & Wellness Ministry

Sharing hope and wholeness through the healing power of Christ. The vision of Health Ministries is to equip and inspire all church members to shine the love of God to all in need.  We believe the Word of God is the very best guide to making careful and wise choices in every area of life, including those things that impact our health. We are also grateful for the amplification of these Biblical principles in the writings of Ellen G. White. Positive relationships with family, friends, community and God play a significant role in personal health, productivity, and our ability to help others. 


Men's Ministries

Our mission is galvanize the energy and resources of men for God, Family, Church and Community. Our vision is men who love and have committed their energy and resources to God, Family, Church and Community.



Women’s Ministries uphold, encourage, and challenge Adventist women in their pilgrimage as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His church. 

Our mission is uplifting Christ in the Church and in the world. But more specifically, we are called to:

Nurture—Reach Up to God

Empower—Reach Across with God

Outreach—Reach Out with God


The mission of Children’s Ministries is to empower our future leaders believing that our children are important vessels in carrying the gospel message to the next generation. We aim to provide our youth with age-appropriate guidance and activities to better prepare them to be ambassadors of the Seventh-day Adventist message. We seek out opportunities to engage our children and challenge them to take an active role within the local church and surrounding community.